Don't make this mistake

HEY, Dont make this mistake. I have done it and many people dont know me because i hide my emotions. It might seem silly but I will tell you why. I am going through this right now so really dont make this mistake I had this crazy idea that if i show the world a side of me which doesnt get hurt then i will be looked up to. but no, all that happens is- -people think you are strong and thus hurt you more -people think you are this really strong kid so they dont realize they are hurting you. They dont know the limit of pain you can take(similar but not the same as the above point) - It affects you too: + You get hurt emotionally +you lose the ability to express your self in front of anyone except people who you are close to. +it hurts you deep within and thus you o crazythings to get the pain out + small things p...