
Showing posts from September, 2014

Don't make this mistake

HEY, Dont make this mistake. I have done it and many people dont know me because i hide my emotions. It might seem silly but I will tell you why. I am going through this right now so really dont make this mistake I had this crazy idea that if i show the world a side of me which doesnt get hurt then i will be looked up to. but no, all that happens is- -people think you are strong and thus hurt you more -people think you are this really strong kid so they dont realize they are hurting you. They dont know the limit of pain you can take(similar but not the same as the above point) - It affects you too:    + You get hurt emotionally    +you lose the ability to express your self in front of anyone                except people who you are close to.    +it hurts you deep within and thus you o crazythings to get the          pain out     + small things p...

Live by this

This is hilarious and makes no sense. So if you are ever low just see this. :'D Keep Smiling :D Kamya Ashok

A little about me

Meeee!!! hey, you guys might not know me that is why you are not being free with me sooo my intro- Hey, I am Kamya. I am 15 years old. I am in 9th grade (which is the reason I might not post daily on time but i will do my best). I love to read books, help people( am great at giving  advises  when  required ), dancing, singing,poetry and saving the environment (especially butterflies) I love cooking, I even made a food blog when I was 12. (link below). I am a really crazy fun person to be with and can make your day if you are low.. I am loyal to everyone who trusts me and i wont disappoint you.   Anything else you want to know i will answer I promise. Oh also i stick by my promises Keep Smiling :D Kamya Ashok

Its not a joke

Hey, Just wanted to know.. What do you achieve by harming yourself? All I believe you will achieve is pain, sadness and a shorter lifespan. It is not a joke.... YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON!! You have a mission written in your destiny, live to complete that. Okay I have heard lame excuses like: - I need to do this to save my self from this pain - I cant face my parents(they are your parents tell them... I just did yesterday) (and the lamest of all) - I am doing this to control the world population.. Like seriously how will this control the world population?? So  my point is self harm is not a joke and should not be done ,because you might not know how important you are to how many people. I do this if i ever think of self harm: -Think what all can happen to me -Think of my siblings -Think of my family -Think of the opportunities that are rushing towards me -Think of why i was born (which...

Proud of her

I am proud of someone I really won't disclose names but this girl was strong and told the world her problem- Bullying. She has been bullied and has put up a public post so that people can help her... And believe it or not within five min she already had 53 comments to support her, giving her advice, telling her she is not alone. And I too put a comment or two... Yes I did and this is the reason I have been telling you to put your problems on comments So be brave and you are not alone Keep Smiling :D Kamya Ashok

Don't hide

Hey, I understand many of us do this. And honestly saying I do this my self... Its not wrong to hide your emotions but it does affect you in a long time view. I as a person seem to be very cheerful to others with not much care about myself, but the truth is i bleed inside. I have wanted to tell the world my pain and have felt embarrassed to do so. My advice in this situation would be to ummmm... Lets see- -Cry out to a trusted friend -Tell an  adult -Make a pen pal and tell them (Cause they don't know you or anyone you know) -Or be strong and actually confront the one who has hurt you Oh the last line states a broken heart.... the broken heart is  not always a relationship thing, it can be even words.  All I mean to say id don't keep your pain to  yourself.. It will hurt you only.. Keep Smiling :D Kamya Ashok


Not being rude or anything, b ut I believe I can connect more with people if they are open to me.... So don't feel ashamed or shy to express it out. But still, if you are too scared to show it out in public then tell me what you feel through messages on G+ I really want to help you but no one is open to me... Look at it this way- I don't know you or anyone you know so even if you tell me I can't leak it out so you can be open. Please do feel free to tell me anything I really can help But actually speaking it would be nice if you told me through comments on this blog so others to can add on to the suggestions to your problem.... Please do tell your friends if they are going through hard times that I am here for them too and they too can message me And last do tell me your problems even if not related to that specific picture so that I can put up my next post as that or as a solution to that... Keep Smiling Kamya Ashok


HEY, See this is just too annoying... So seriously people who do this -GET A LIFE It's not like you are perfect, so keep your thoughts to yourself. And people who have experienced this - ignore it. Cause nobody is perfect. You are Beautiful/Handsome in your own way...  People just tend to feel better when someone else tells them that. So I shall say it -"you are Beautiful/ Handsome ":D Keep Smiling :D Kamya Ashok
Hey,  Ever felt like this???huh? Don't worry its normal for you to feel like this. You might experience this as a teen. Many a times people do actually ignore you and it hurts... Yes i know. So remember there are million more right now standing by your side. I am always here standing here for you. My shoulders are empty, a tissue in my hand and I am all ears. Anyone believing this might want to talk to someone about this and/or confront the person they believe is trying to show hatred towards you...And seriously this should not affect you cause if they hate you, you can look at it this way- "If you love me cool, if you hate me even better. 'Cause if you love me I will be in your heart, and if you hate me I will be in your mind. Either way, it's a win-win :D " Keep Smiling  Kamya Ashok
Hey Guys, So I shall get to the point. I won't say I have had the worst life, but I did have a lot of problems and I  did struggle/ suffer a bit or lot depending on the situation... And like many of you, I had thoughts that did haunt me. So what did I do? I spoke to my close friends and the counselors. It did help me and I was inspired and I want to be a person to help inspire other people. To prove each one is unique. You are a special edition, only one piece in this entire world. Be proud of it :D. I shall put up posts with pictures, if  you  relate to  any of the posts, then comment the problem you face below that post and I will help you. If not me some other person who's gone through the same or similar situation will help you . Don't be shy. Its a part of life. Both guys and girls can help/ can be helped. Keep Smiling  Kamya