Don't hide
I understand many of us do this. And honestly saying I do this my self... Its not wrong to hide your emotions but it does affect you in a long time view.
I as a person seem to be very cheerful to others with not much care about myself, but the truth is i bleed inside. I have wanted to tell the world my pain and have felt embarrassed to do so.
My advice in this situation would be to ummmm... Lets see-
-Cry out to a trusted friend
-Tell an adult
-Make a pen pal and tell them (Cause they don't know you or anyone you know)
-Or be strong and actually confront the one who has hurt you
Oh the last line states a broken heart....
the broken heart is not always a relationship thing, it can be even words.
All I mean to say id don't keep your pain to yourself.. It will hurt you only..
Keep Smiling :D
Kamya Ashok
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