
Ever felt like this???huh? Don't worry its normal for you to feel like this. You might experience this as a teen. Many a times people do actually ignore you and it hurts... Yes i know. So remember there are million more right now standing by your side. I am always here standing here for you. My shoulders are empty, a tissue in my hand and I am all ears.

Anyone believing this might want to talk to someone about this and/or confront the person they believe is trying to show hatred towards you...And seriously this should not affect you cause if they hate you, you can look at it this way-

"If you love me cool,
if you hate me even better.
'Cause if you love me I will be in your heart,
and if you hate me I will be in your mind.
Either way, it's a win-win :D "

Keep Smiling 
Kamya Ashok


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